Community Update #001

TS:O has outgrown its current format. Three years ago, working behind the till of a University campus shop, I thought of a premise; a group of film students enter a haunted location to film an amateur ghost-hunting show and end up with more than they bargained for. Now that premise is only a drop in the ocean of backstory for one of the many characters I’ve created in the ever-evolving world of this game. I loved interactive fiction first as a reader, and now I love it even more as an author; it gives me what I want most in life — indefinite possibilities — and I’m not in the business of denying those from my readers!

I know I’m long overdue posting a demo update, but here’s my list of excuses: I have been working overtime in a dead-end job that I am so happy to be leaving in a month, only to move to the other side of the country and re-invent my life; it’s been keeping me busy, but TS:O is like a lover I cannot spend too much time away from. v2.1.5 is coming and with it, a new look, feel and the start of new mechanics in the game. (Release date TBC)

Welcome to the first community update for TS:O, where I reveal game secrets hidden deeply in my brain and discuss the way the game looks before you see it, cause I guess I like to tease; all in way too many words. 

Let’s talk v2.1.5 changes. 

The focus of the upcoming update will be introducing a redesigned UI and choice system, and the set-up for an overhaul of fears and stats that will be coming in 2.2.0, as well as a major rewrite of the currently available content. The main bulk of the Prologue and Chapter 1 was written years ago and in that time, I like to think that both my writing and the game’s plot have developed a lot. I only ask that you bare with me as I rewrite the same paragraphs with each update until I’m finally satisfied (or until the game releases). 

A full list of changes will be included in the update notes, but for now, let's focus on the bigger picture.

The series

It might seem like with 8 chapters, each longer than the previous, this game will be huge; well, wait until you hear about the sequel. And the spin-off. Also the extended slash deluxe versions —  I’m planning to do a lot of writing is what I’m saying. 

Origins welcomes you to New Leadger, with a main character and cast whose upcoming decisions are like the chandelier in Sophie’s house that will shatter the world into a thousand pieces; or a thousand paths and variations throughout 8 chapters, all leading to a cumulative ending that I can’t promise won’t be a cliffhanger. The game’s sequel will follow directly from those events with your already established protagonist, and allow you to delve into main character routes, which could be considered full stories of their own and with big consequences. Don’t worry, all you single P.I.s will get a route of your own too; all I’m saying is keeping a lover or a friend close might do you some good…

And once I’ve finished a story as detailed and complex as this one (read: in a couple of years), I might as well get into some spin-offs and DLCs. But let’s not get carried away too far into the future and return to the present. 

Your character

Although giving the player a huge amount of freedom to let you create diverse, unique MCs who feel your own is still my top priority; having a bland, mendable, blank-state protagonist would never work for TS:O. It’ll be no surprise that the P.I.'s childhood and ghost-ly experiences have shaped them as a person, while also shaping their mind and the plot of the game, which translates to the game’s narration. 

While some of your character’s decisions and mindsets will be dictated by the story, everything else — their appearance, overall personality, dialogue, relationships, fears, choices, future and the gaps in their past — are yours to shape. Though the narration might instal a somewhat pessimistic, passive or haunted outlook in your P.I.s, I am hoping to work with my beta testers and your feedback to include options that feel in-character.


As originally planned, Origins will include six available romance routes; Sophie, Glenn, Vargas, Rosario, Levi and a Glenn/Rosario poly route, five (with the exception of Levi's) are available to P.I.s of any gender and sexuality, while Levi’s route is locked to male and non-binary characters (because he’s gay). 

If there is one word I want to describe romance routes in this game, it’s dynamic. With each main character, romanced or not, having upwards of three main endings in the sequel that range from the good, the bad, the mutual destruction, the gutwrenching tragedies and all things in between —  and a multitude of paths and storylines based on your choices throughout both games. I want TS:O’s romance to reflect what romance is in the real world. Whether perfect or messy, every player may have an idea of their ideal romance storyline, and I hope to cover as many of those variations as possible. A love that feels real — romantic, platonic, sexual —  or a love that’s different or more. Love that is kind, patient, warm; and love that is hungry, desperate, selfish and destructive, but maybe one you can’t get enough of. A love that’s not love at all; I could really go on all day.

When I write the main five characters I see them as real, complex people; and their romances acknowledge what works for each of them in life and in love. The characters will act, react, and interact differently with you and the story based on your personality, choices and stage of your relationship —  which all aims to make the experience, and the characters themselves, more realistic and dynamic.

Now that’s a lot of big words and promises, I know, but with a new focus on writing and life changes, I am finally in a place to really start working on making this game what I want it to be. Future community updates will drop at similarly monumental times, or alongside meatier updates. 

Keep an eye out for news on the refurbished v2.1.5 and check out some of the UI change previews alongside this post. 

For comments and questions, check out my Tumblr or email me on